








[Fortnite] Naruto Collaboration! Kakashi-sensei’s Mish weapon is “Explosion Tag”
Hello, good evening.
With this update, Naruto has been implemented in Foetnite. Naruto collaboration is a nice word. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi-sensei, Kurama’s glider, etc. are implemented in various ways. The 7th group is in full force! !! And this time, I bought a Mick weapon detonator from Kakashi-sensei with Naruto’s skin. I actually used the detonation tag and tried to verify the damage. Also, I am verifying what kind of attack will be made when fighting with Kakashi-sensei, so I hope it will be helpful. I’m hoping that it will be implemented in various ways other than Naruto.

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