Magnamalo is a hulking Fanged Wyvern that bears some resemblance to a tiger. It is primarily clad in purple and yellow plates of armor, with a red underbelly. The head has a short, tigrine snout, holds two foldable tusks under its cheeks, and sports a large pair of jagged yellow horns, just underneath which are its long, thin ears. Both the forelegs and hindlegs end in four-clawed digits, and each foreleg is armed with a single large serrated blade, which is kept folded back, parallel with the leg. Magnamalo’s tail ends in a spear-like tip composed of three spikes that can flex outwards to form a trident shape.
Source: http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Hunter_Wiki
Official Website: http://www.capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/
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