#sunbreak #mhrise #monsterhunter #turfwar
We know Risen monsters are the STRONGEST in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Now with the addition of Risen Teostra and Risen Kushala Daora, we ask who is the strongest amongst the Risen Monsters?
DISCLAIMER: This is a preliminary fight because some of the mods I use are broken. So this is inconclusive and will have a proper rematch later on.
– All Monsters have lowered HP (keep fight length reasonable).
– All other stats are all based on default values provided by Capcom
– We also take no responsibility for any unusual A.I behaviour, as these are variables we cannot adjust.
– These fights are not to be taken seriously and are not based on Monster Hunter Lore, I simply make them for people to watch and enjoy.
Music and Attribution:
All credit goes to Capcom for the following:
Monster Hunter Rise Arena Theme
Sunbreak Quest Victory Monster Hunter Rise ver.
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