Aku gatau soalnya aku nihongo uete
My name is Hatsuyuki Kuro and I’m a Vice President of Student Council who secretly going on the one of the best casino dealer in the world!
Wanna bet with me?
General – #HatsuyukiKuro
ART – #Kuroyons
NSFW – #KuroAfterDark
Meme – #KuroJokes
Live – #TsuyuLive
Clip – #Kurocuts
【Social Media】
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HatsuyukiKuro
Discord server: https://discord.gg/JFuZdBBx9R
【Collab with】
Mangata Bulan: https://www.youtube.com/@mangatabulan
Hai semua buat kawan-kawan yang mau support aku bisa via trakteer ya ^^
Trakteer: https://trakteer.id/hatsuyuki_kuro
【Stream Rules】
1. Menjaga sopan santun
2. Dilarang mendiskusikan Vtuber lain kecuali Kuro yang memulai diskusi duluan
3. Tidak diperkenankan untuk memberikan bantuan (backseat) kecuali diijinkan
4. Dilarang memberikan spoiler game dalam bentuk apapun
5. Dilarang keras untuk mendiskusikan topik bertema SARA ,Politik, Ataupun hal yang menimbulkan kontroversial
6. Jadilah manusia berdikari jangan jadi kepala batu apabila ditegur
7. Dilarang spam. Mod berhak melakukan timeout apabila ditemukan adanya spam.
8. Dilarang mendiskusikan topik bertema NSFW (R-18)
9. Dimohon untuk tidak membahas drama apapun di dalam chat.
1. Be civilized in chat. This is a Family Friendly stream.
2. Do not initiate nor discuss any other vtubers unless Kuro mentioned it first
3. Do not backseating unless Kuro allowed you to do so
4. No spoiler at any form
5. Discussion regarding Race, Politics, and controversial related news is strictly prohibited
6. Be respectful with others. Respect any of other opinions.
7. Spamming is strongly prohibited. Mods has the rights to timeout.
8. Any form of NSFW (R-18) discussion is strongly prohibited
9. Make this place Drama-free. Do not discuss anything related to recent drama